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All Chemicals suppliers from Uzbekistan

Ташкент, Uzbekistan
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The organization accepts orders for the delivery of technical salt in Moscow and the Moscow region. Delivery in volumes of 20m3, 25m3, 34m3 We also deliver building materials to construction sites: 1 In Moscow and the Moscow region: Sand, sand salt, crushed stone, screening, expanded clay, cold asphalt, peat soil, coal 2 In Russia: Granite, gravel, limestone crushed stone of all demanded fractions. Delivery by railway transport. 3 In the south of the Moscow region. Limestone crushed stone 20/40, 40/70. Cost - 1350 rubles / m3 with delivery (October 2018) 4 Self-call. Quarry sand. Cost 250 rubles / m3 To calculate the total cost of the order, please indicate the information: Name of the required material Volume of material Requirements for the material (fraction, strength grade, group) Possibility (or lack of possibility) of round-the-clock acceptance of cargo Possibility of travel for tonars (large-capacity vehicles) Payment form ( cash, bank transfer) Terms (or day) of delivery Delivery address Customer's email Customer's phone number We invite you to contact us by email.
Merit Kimyo Invest
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
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Copper sulfate is used for other compounds, in medicine, food industry, in the production of mineral paints, in agriculture as an antiseptic, fungicide and fertilizer.
Merit Kimyo Invest
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD
Soda Ash 99.4% of grades "A" and "B" in p/p bags of 45 kg., production of Uzbekistan. There is a possibility of export (in large volumes) to the CIS and foreign countries. We will be glad to cooperate.

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